THE SELF CRITICISM OF SCIENCE: The problem of scientific consciousness (Cosmic spirit Book 4)


The metaphysical and idealist distinction between the ‘formal-logical’ and the ‘strictly psycho-spiritual’ falls in the wider Western metaphysical-idealist tradition that discerns the material from the spiritual, the rationalistic from the temperamental, technique from art, Theory from Praxis, the collective from the individual. This dis- tinction results from the greek-western thought and its positive element, which presupposed that Being is onto- logically defined, is governed by an immanent rationality; that it is full in meaning and allows for a thorough verifi- cation and determination from the human mind, itself having the analogous characteristics. From this it is suggested that the world, as it is explained within the context of natural philosophy, is not determined as it was viewed throughout the greek-western metaphysical tradition and the technique as a totally ra- tional activity is not able to acquire a profound knowl- edge of its ‘subject’. In contrary, the world ‘is’ chaos or abyss, radically undetermined and inexhaustible, creating ways to bestow meaning to life from zero.