
WE ARE DEAD AND ALIVE— ALEXIS KARPOUZOS  When day comes we ask ourselves

When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never ending shade? The loss we carry, a ocean we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast. I have seen you in millions of places. I met you in a million forms. We met among the ruins, the ashes and the bones, we lost them all, but we found each other, I saw your lion heart, and it pulled me. I saw the creation and the destruction in your eyes. I see you here in the mud, on the rock, in the rays of the rising sun. We are Dead...

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LONELINESS - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS  Loneliness, Emotional pain, walks with us

Loneliness, Emotional pain, walks with us through the day,

and sleeps with us through the night,

Tears that is not visible to the naked eye,

silent screams that no one can hear,

feeling of relentless distress,

Trapped with nowhere to turn,

life is changing beyond our control,

someone else is pulling the strings,

causing this deep ache in the bottom of our soul.

but remember, for every soul there is a soul that touches yours –

Be it the slightest contact –

always there is a gleam of faith in the...

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THERE IS A LAND — ALEXIS KARPOUZOS  There is a land by faith I’ve seenWhere

There is a land by faith I’ve seen

Where skies no clouded regions know;

Where they know not the sorrows of time

and no shadows fall to blight the view

That land no want has ever known,

Nor pain nor sickness nor distress;

there, Death, the last enemy, is slain;

There those who meet shall part no more,

And those long parted meet again.

There’s a land far away..

Beyond these wild winds and gloomy skies,

Beyond Death’s cloudy portal,

There is a land where beauty never dies

And love becomes immortal;

A land...

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AT THE END OF TIME - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS  I know that our efforts all come to

I know that our efforts all come to nothing. Analyze life, tear its trappings off, lay it bare with thought, with logic, with philosophy, and its emptiness is revealed as a bottomless pit; its nothingness frankly confesses to nothingness, and Despair comes to perch in the soulI know the end of us all is nothing, I know that at the end of Time, the reward of our toil will be nothing — and again nothing. I know that all our handiwork and all our ideas will be destroyed. I know that not even...

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A UNIVERSAL SONG - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS  In the quiet of the night,  We find a

In the quiet of the night,

We find a truth profound: there are no borders in our souls.

No lines to mark where you end and where I begin,

In the vast expanse within, we are kin.

Our hearts beat in unison, a universal song,

In the dance of life, we all belong.

No walls can hold the spirit, no chains can bind the heart,

In the realm of the soul, we are never apart.

We are threads in a tapestry, woven with care,

Each one unique, yet all are there.

In the fabric of existence, every soul plays a part,


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In every leaf upon the tree, In every wave upon the sea, In every star that lights the night, In every dawn’s first gentle light.

A thread unseen, yet ever there, A bond that all of life must share, In every breath, in every heart, An endless whole of which we’re part.

From mountains tall to valleys low, From rivers fast to winds that blow, Each soul, each spirit, every being, In nature’s web,

a vast unseeing.

The whispers of the ancient breeze, The secrets of the deepest seas, The songs that...

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In the boundless skies above, where stars in silence gleam,

We are made of heaven’s breath, in every heart’s true dream.

Born of cosmic stardust, in the tapestry of night,

We carry the celestial spark, within our inner light.

In the laughter of the morning, in the whisper of the breeze,

Heaven’s touch resides within, in moments such as these.

Through the trials and the triumphs, in joy and in despair,

We find the traces of the stars, in all we do and share.

Our spirits are but echoes, of a universe...

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A free bird I want to be

Despite the fears of freedom

Despite the unfamiliarity of the destination

Free as a bird I want to be

as the breath of stars.

In every heartbeat, a story lies,

In every soul, a universe of skies.

Yet in the echoes, we remain,

A whisper in the wind,

In the vast expanse within, we are kin.

No lines to mark where you end and where I begin

We find a truth profound: there are no borders in our souls.

A free bird I want to be

Our hearts beat in...

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