If physics leads us today to a world view which is essentially holistic, it returns, in a way, to
its beginning, 2,500 years ago. It is interesting to follow the evolution of Western science
along its spiral path, starting from the mystical philosophies of the early Greeks, rising and
unfolding in an impressive development of intellectual thought that increasingly turned
away from its mystical origins to develop a world view which is in sharp contrast to that of
the Far East In its most recent stages, Western science is finally overcoming this view and
coming back to those of the early Greek and the Eastern philosophies. This time, however, it
is not only based on intuition, but also on experiments of great precision and sophistication,
and on a rigorous and consistent mathematical formalism. The parallels to modem physics
appear not only in the Vedas of Hinduism, in the I Ching , or in the Buddhist sutras, but also
in the fragments of Heraclitus, Parmenides, Plotinus, African-American philosophy, the
eastern negative theology, in the Sufism of lbn Arabi, in the holistic spirit of Giordano Bruno
and Meister Eckhart, in monadology of Leibniz, in the Absolute Idea of Hegel and Shelling,
All ancient spiritual traditions suggest that the world is a unity and the multiplicity is only
apparent. Modern science claims that the visible world of matter and the multiplicity is only
apparent, the reality is unseen and invisible. Since different roads the mysticism and the
rationalism lead to the same view, the view of the open totality of the world. The mystical
insight of spirituality and the rational mind of science leading to the open thought, the
wisdom of life. The spiritual experience of oneness conduces to the same insight as
reasoning through science. Both convey the insight of fundamental interconnection between
ourselves, other people, other forms of life, the biosphere and, ultimately, the universe.
Science and spirituality, far from being mutually exclusive and conflicting elements, are
complementary partners in the search for the path that can enable humanity to recover its
oneness with the world. Science demonstrates the urgent and objective need for it; and
spirituality testifies to its inherent value and supreme desirability. We can reason to our
oneness in the world, and we can experience our oneness with the world. The time has
come to do both, for they are complementary and mutually reinforcing.
Presents a revolutionary new paradigm of Cosmic Thought that bridges the divide between
science and spirituality. Discloses the ramifications of non-localized consciousness and how
the physical world and spiritual experience are two aspects of the same Cosmos. What
scientists are now finding at the outermost frontiers of every field is overturning all the basic
premises concerning the nature of matter and reality.